371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Does Your Fuel System Need Repair?

Kens Automotive should I use premium gas jpg

Your car’s fuel system is a critical component that delivers fuel to the engine. Without proper fuel delivery, your car won’t be able to run efficiently or may not run at all. As a car owner, it’s essential to know the signs that indicate your fuel system needs repair. Look at some signs indicating your […]

Consistent Car Care: Why Regular Oil Changes Are A Good Investment

Consistent Car Care: Why Regular Oil Changes Are A Good Investment

Regular Oil Changes Can Save You Money Although mechanics have long lectured drivers on the importance of changing their oil, drivers often fail to understand the full benefits of regular oil changes. Many see oil changes as a waste of money when in fact they are among the best investments you can make in a […]