371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

How Often to Have Your Fluids Changed in Your Vehicle

How Often to Have Your Fluids Changed in Your Vehicle

Regular maintenance is key to keeping your vehicle running smoothly, and one of the most critical aspects of that maintenance is monitoring and changing your vehicle’s fluids. From oil to transmission fluid, each plays a vital role in ensuring your car performs at its best. But how often should you have these fluids changed? Ken’s […]

How Often Should I Replace My Car’s Battery?

Ken's automotive and transmissions replacing car battery

Car batteries are the strong, resilient force behind every car. They do their job regardless of heat, cold weather, and the drivers who demand so much of them. We demand a lot from our car batteries, so it’s no surprise that eventually they will die, and we will need to replace them. But just how […]

Why Is My Car’s A/C Blowing Warm Air?

Ken's automotive and transmissions air conditioner

Nothing is more uncomfortable than riding around town in a car with a broken A/C. The air conditioning system is one of the most complex systems in the vehicle. There can be several causes for your air conditioning system blowing warm air. Take a look at these common causes. Refrigerant Leak A refrigerant leak is […]

Are Manufacturer’s Maintenance Recommendations Reliable?

Ken's automotive and transmissions mechanic performing maintenance

Plenty of car drivers take the “if it’s not broke, don’t fix it” approach to car maintenance. However, what those drivers don’t know is that following their car’s manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule can help prevent damage and keep their car running on the road longer. If you are one of those drivers who question the […]

Small Repairs that Can Become Big Repair Expenses if Ignored

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Minor car damage may seem like an easy fix, and often, it is. However, minor car damage often leads to major car damage that costs more to repair. Don’t delay having your car repaired. If your car has any of these minor damages, bring it to a Maryland auto repair shop soon to ensure that […]

Keeping Your Commercial Truck Fleet in Top Shape

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Your commercial trucks are an important part of your business. They help you make deliveries, drop off passengers, carry supplies, and much more. Since they are an essential part of your business, you always want to make sure that they’re in tip-top shape. Check out these tips for keeping your commercial truck fleet in tip-top […]

Why to Take the Check Engine Light Seriously

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Whenever the check engine light comes on, drivers have come to expect an expensive repair. Since they expect an expensive repair, they tend to ignore the light until they can’t ignore it anymore. Even if your vehicle is driving like normal, you still shouldn’t ignore your check engine light. Here’s why: Possibly a Minor Issue […]

5 Overlooked Car Maintenance To-Dos

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Whether you’re using your car to ride around the city or want to take it on a road trip, it’s always a good idea to make sure your car is well maintained. Properly maintaining your car is one way you can ensure that you prevent problems down the line. And while some drivers think that […]

How Often Should You Change Your Auto Filter?

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Your vehicle has all types of filters. Every one of them is important for your vehicle to run smoothly. When they become clogged or dirty, it can cause a wide variety of problems. Take a look at the types of filters your vehicle has and how often you should replace them. Air Filters A vehicle’s […]

Is Your Car Ready for the Unexpected?

When should my Car Battery be Replaced Car Battery Car Maintenance Frederick Kens Automotive Frederick Is Your Car Ready for Winter Tires rotated 1 jpeg

No one ever expects their car to malfunction. However, if you keep your car in good condition through regular maintenance, a car malfunction is less likely to occur. Here’s how you can prepare your car for the unexpected, and prevent an untimely malfunction. 1. Check Tire Pressure  Your tires take on a lot. Over time […]