371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Do You Need Headlight Restoration?

Do You Need Headlight Restoration

As the days grow shorter once again, it’s time to say goodbye to summer. That means it’s going to start getting darker, earlier. Have you noticed you’re having some trouble seeing well enough to drive at night? Your headlights are definitely on, but do they seem to be dimmer than you remember them? It might […]

Are You Ready for Summer Driving?

summer auto repair

Things are heating up and that means it’s time to hit the road! However, whether you’re heading off for a trip or visiting a cool summer spot, there are some things about driving during the summer that may require your attention. Here’s are some things to keep in mind this summer. Safety in the Summer […]

What Fluid is Leaking from my Car?

Ken's automotive and transmissions cars in lot

Are you noticing unusual spots that are appearing underneath your car where you park? Occasionally, this could be a sign that something is very wrong with your vehicle. In this case, it’s important to know exactly what fluids could be underneath your car, and you should be aware of how it can affect your driving. […]

Why Are My Headlights Cloudy?

Why Are My Headlights Cloudy, headlight restoration, headlight restoration near me, headlights cloudy in frederick

Have you noticed recently that your headlights are cloudy, hazy, or yellowed? You might have even tried to wipe them down, only to notice they seem to be fogged from the inside. Foggy headlights can severely reduce your visibility on the road, creating a dangerous situation. Here’s why your headlights get foggy and what you […]

Why Do I Hear a Noise When I Brake?

Brake repair frederick md

If you hear a concerning noise whenever you brake, you may feel your heart sink with dread. There could be several reasons your brakes are making odd sounds—though not every situation is dire. Examining the sound carefully is an important part of keeping everything maintained and running smoothly. Read on to learn more about different […]

Get More Life Out Of Your Tires

Get more life out of your tires

Simple Steps You Can Take To Get More Life Out Of Your Tires We tend to view our car’s tires as non-perishable items. The reality is, however, they are perishable, wearing just a bit every day. Each day we travel, we are leaving a bit of our tire’s rubber on the roads. Let’s face it; […]

Diagnosing Engine Problems That Elicit the Check Engine Light

Diagnosing Engine Problems That Elicit the Check Engine Light

What to Do When Your Check Engine Light Comes On Whenever the check engine light comes on, it is often accompanied by a feeling of dread in anticipation of the coming auto repair bill. However, there are many reasons the check engine light may come on. The problem may be a simple adjustment that you […]

What is a Cabin Filter and Why Should it be Replaced?

What is a Cabin Filter and Why Should it be Replaced?

Mysterious Cabin Filters Explained Today, most of the auto industry’s later model vehicles have an added part called a cabin filter. Though its name pretty much explains its function — its a filter that is typically placed in the cabin of your vehicle — a cabin filter is a bit more involved than that. Many […]

Automotive fluids for your car!


Can You Name the Six Automotive Fluids? If you are able to name the six automotive fluids then  you are well on your way to keeping your vehicle in tip top shape!   *Brake Fluid *Transmission Fluid *Coolant *Power Steering Fluid *Motor Oil *Windshield Wiper Fluid Today’s blog will cover the first three automotive fluids…. […]