371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Frederick, MD Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Warm and Safe

Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Warm and Safe

Winter Driving Tips to Keep You Warm and Safe

Winter time is one of the best times for hot chocolate, curling up by the fire, and enjoying cozy time with family or friends. However, when you venture out in your car, some of the trappings of the winter season can prove dangerous for your drive. So, today we’re going to go over some safe driving tips that will help you stay safe in the coming months.

Detail of the tire on winter road

Take it Slow

Snow and ice are the biggest problems when driving in the winter. Not only can they make the roads slippery, they can also be difficult to see properly, which will cause navigation issues and potential collisions. Accelerate and decelerate slowly on snowy or icy roads to help your vehicle maintain traction.

All driving maneuvers including stopping and turning will inevitably take you longer when the roads are slick, so make sure to give yourself the time you need. This may mean that you have to get up a little earlier in the morning to have enough time for a safe commute.

Clear Your Car Thoroughly

Not only will your commute take more time in the winter, you will also need to clear your car of ice or snow on most cold mornings. This is not something than can be casually skipped either. Make sure to take the time to clear your windshield, all of your windows, and your mirrors, if need be. Not being able to see the other cars on the roads can lead to serious problems while you’re driving, so take a little extra time in the morning to make sure you’re safe before you start driving.

Beware of Freezing Parking Brakes

Though the parking brake is a helpful safety feature that keeps your vehicle in place, you may want to skip it unless you absolutely have to in the winter. Sometimes, in particularly freezing temperatures, the parking brake can freeze when left overnight. If you find that your parking brake has frozen, your vehicle should be able to unthaw it as it heats up, so turn on your car and be patient. If your parking brake will not disengage after about 10 tries, it may be time to tow it to the mechanic.

Avoid Frozen Fuel Lines

Though gasoline itself may not freeze until it hits -70°, the water vapor in your fuel lines isn’t so resilient. Keep your gas tank over half full throughout the winter season to help keep it from freezing. You should also make sure that you car’s battery is in good working order with a full charge so that it can help power through the frozen fuel lines.

Get Your Car Looked at By the Experts

Before the weather gets out of control, bring your vehicle into our shop for a thorough inspection. We’ll make sure your car is in good working order when you leave so that you can stay safe this winter season. Contact us today to learn more and to set up an appointment.