371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Promotions and Coupons

Promotions and Coupons

Promotions and Coupons for Frederick Auto Repair

Why Spend More When you Can Save with Ken’s?

Here at Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions our aim is to create a lasting relationship with our customers. When you work with us, you’re truly a name and not a number. And as such, we like to reward our repeat customers with savings as a way of saying thank you.

So Thank You Frederick!

For 50+ of Frederick, MD service, the whole crew here at Ken’s Automotive & Transmissions wants to thank you with the following promotions:


For more information on any of the promotions above, give us a call today at 301-662-5100 or fill out the contact us form on our website!

Trust Our 55+ Years of Five-Star Service


Buy 4 Get One


Buy 4 oil changes and get the next one FREE!

*Limited Time Offer