371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Does it Matter How Shocks are Mounted on the Car?

shocks struts why does my car pull to the sideHow often should I replace my Shocks rotated 1 jpg

Your shocks, also known as shock absorbers, are an important aspect of your vehicle. They’re responsible for controlling the movement of springs and suspension, as well as keeping your tires in contact with the road at all times. Since shock absorbers are so important, you should also understand the importance of having them installed properly. […]

6 Ways to Tell if It’s Time to Replace Shocks and Struts

Ken's automotive and transmissions strut

Do you need to replace shocks and struts on your vehicle? How can you tell? Your car’s shock absorbers are designed to limit the amount of suspension movement by dampening spring oscillations. Struts similarly reinforce the the active components of the suspension to the same end, which means that struts and shocks are what keep […]