371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

371 W. Patrick St. | Frederick, MD 21701

Does a Check Engine Light Need Immediate Attention?

why is my check engine light on, auto repair near me, mechanic near me, car repair near me Ken's_Automotive_&_Transmissions

Many drivers panic at the site of a warning light on their car’s dashboard. What has gone wrong? How bad is the issue? Will I need a major repair? Your car’s check engine light exists to alert you to one of many possible issues, which is why it’s not always easy to determine the problem […]

Diagnosing Engine Problems That Elicit the Check Engine Light

Diagnosing Engine Problems That Elicit the Check Engine Light

What to Do When Your Check Engine Light Comes On Whenever the check engine light comes on, it is often accompanied by a feeling of dread in anticipation of the coming auto repair bill. However, there are many reasons the check engine light may come on. The problem may be a simple adjustment that you […]